I will insult your code!
Posted on 21/8/08 by Nate Abele

A long time ago, I promised to begin a segment on my blog where readers would send me challenges that they faced in their CakePHP development, or solutions they implemented which they felt could be more elegant. Continuing the great tradition of Wil Shipley, I will tear your code apart and rebuild it in my image, hopefully teaching you something along the way.
If you don't care for or about the way I write code, then you won't get much out of this, but if you use CakePHP, chances are that's not the case. Furthermore, you will hopefully, through this process, be able to get more out of CakePHP in your daily work.
To apply, the rules are as follows:
Send me an email at nate@cakephp.org with the phrase "code insults" somehwere in the subject.
You have to send me actual code. No theoretical problems, and no "how do I build a forum?".
You may send me anything from a few lines of code to an entire file. You don't need to send me your entire app (in fact, don't), but the code must at least already be working for you, so no broken stuff.
That's about it, but I may add more later. I figured it'd be an appropriate time to discuss this, given the recent talk of requestAction usage. So with that, let the submissions (and insults) begin.
You can skip to the end and add a comment.
Good idea Nate.
I will definitely send you some code. Does it matter if it is pre-alpha version of cake? Or must it be working on RC2...
Well, I can't promise my responses will work on pre-alpha, but sure, go for it. I'll try and do my best to remember and highlight the differences, but no promises.
Ok! I just sended you the code ;) If you have any questions or in need of clarifications just yell my name in IRC (primeminister)
This will be a challenge! Great idea hope you will have enough time to take a look at all these code. For sure I will send something too.
Great idea! but... I will insult yours... AntipaternPHP dev
Have you posted any before insult / after insult code? I'd like to see how you have backed up your holier than thou attitude.
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Great idea Nate. : )
I will send you our blog code. ; ]