Berlin CakePHP Meetup, Next Friday (Jan 30)
Posted on 22/1/09 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
Tim and I are hosting a little CakePHP get-together next week Friday. The event will start at 6pm and last until ... well whenever we run out of beer ; ).
The exact location (somewhere in the center of Berlin) will depend on the amount of people who want to join us. So if you are fairly certain that you want to try to make it, please leave a comment on the post so we can do the planning.
No matter if you are a kitchen assistant or a five star chef right now, everybody is welcome. That means even if you are just curious about CakePHP and more in the PHP/JS/Ruby/Python/*web world, please join us.
If enough people are interested we can make this a monthly thing!
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
PS: If you have any questions or need assistance in making travel arrangements, let me know!