The Near Future
Posted on 20/2/08 by Tim Koschützki

Good morning folks!
Yes this is a quite unusual post in which I outline what's happening to me, bag and baggage. It seems I am quitting university, because some fine folks at the CakeFest in Orlando sort of reinforced me in what I was considering already. Due to that I will have much more time at hand again and will also not need to tinker with logical programming, computer science theory and Java anymore. Not to mentioned business administration, accounting and that stuff... But Instead..
..I will have time for PostTask, the new Debuggable Ltd. site, client work and some personal open source projects I am working on together with Felix! In fact, Felix, has pretty well outlined what we guys are about to do in his most recent blogpost. Please head over there and read it if you are interested.
If you feel the need for Felix and I giving you a hand with a CakePHP project of yours or you feel we should come over to your company and give a talk on let's say, CakePHP, UnitTesting, Javascript, best practices or any other interesting programming-related topic, please email us at info at debuggable dot com. We would be delighted to help you out!
Cheers all! Have a good day!
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