30 days later
Posted on 19/9/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
My 30 day challenge is officially over today. I set out to do a blog post every day before 9am for thirty consecutive days and had 28 successes and 2 failures.
The first time I missed to post due to the all-nighter Garrett, Nate and I did before the workshop. Corey, one of the attendees noticed and was rewarded with 50 Euros as promised instantly. The second failure was yesterday. I was on the plane from NYC to Berlin and published a post right after I got back in. However, I could have pre-written the post at the airport where I had plenty of time. I just got totally sucked into a new side project (soon to be announced) and only noticed my mistake by the time the final boarding call was made ; ).
Overall I feel the challenge was a huge success, yet something I won't continue with or do again. During the challenge I was able to release two behaviors, one datasource, one cli shell, a jquery plugin and a a php code generator that were created as part of projects Tim and I worked on. I also published a few thoughts on programmings I meant to share for a while and a whole stack of code snippets, ideas and pictures.
So why wouldn't I do it again? Mostly because not all blog posts are created equal. There is stuff that takes me days to write and that deserves far more thought and research than what can be accomplished in an hour or less. This is the type of posts I want to do more and that cannot be done in the way I've been blogging for the past 30 days. I also realized I don't feel like blogging every day and it shines through when I write something just for the sake of a challenge. Nevertheless, a little discipline in regular blogging sometimes can't hurt and this exercise is probably going to be very beneficial for my future writings.
Now it is time to take on new challenges. I already set one. However, I won't share it. This time the only person I am accountable to is going to be myself which will require an even higher amount of discipline. How will you know what the new goal is? Well if there isn't a major announcement here 30 days from now you'll know it was not achieved ; ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Congratulation, that was not obvious and you did it !
I'll take quality over quantity any day. Your 30 day project was a massive achievement that delivered both quality AND quantity, but the last thing we want is for you to 'burn out' and not blog again.
Take a well deserved rest and a round of applause. :-)
Very proud of you Felix. :)
Felix, Glad to hear that you've arrived safely home. I thoroughly enjoyed working with you and Tim while your were here in the States - thanks for coming! You both have enthusiasm and passion for your work, which is evident in this blog and in person. You have my permission to sleep in this weekend as a reward for completing your challenge... and Let Tim carry the torch for while now :P
Oh, and I can't wait to hear your big announcement!
Yes, quite an impressive list of stuff you've done in this 30 days! I really enjoyed reading your posts every day. Thanks!
*applauds, too* :)
Kudos, Felix.
I didn't expect such quality to permeate this quantity of posts, but you surprised me, for sure. Please keep posting juicy stuff for us all, even if not that frequently now. : )
*applauds* You did a great job, reminded me of my early college days :)
Good job Felix, feel kinda sad it's over now :)
Yes, thanks for your posts/energy/enthusiasm (and for sharing all that you have shared). There is a wealth of great information coming from this blog. Great work guys.
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You should donate those 50€ to cake foundation instead. ;)