Posted on 15/7/09 by Felix Geisendörfer

We removed our old two-guys-in-a-garage theme and replaced it with the beautiful work of Abhay Singh. We could have kept the old look, but then we would have also had to buy a garage at some point.
We are now also offering commercial support for CakePHP, jQuery and Git.
Let us know what you think. That is other than that we should post more. We got a few goodies queued up already ; ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
PS: Be careful with our RSS bug, he does not like to be annoyed.
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Glad you like it Kevin! :)
I like the rickroll :P haha
I like, but the bug is a bit scary! Gratz guys
ack! Rick Astley!
Fluidcore must really like giant vertical menu links.
Looks great guys, and the RSS bug is a very nice touch. he.
Great new design!
I think I went too far with the RSS bug :) He could have used at least another tab for his punishment ^^!
I like it and I'll add another +1 to the RSS bug
The new design is excellent!
OMG, I've just been bitten! Congrats guys.
Nice! I like the logo alot. The bug adds a nice touch too. Good job.
Looks really good!
I also love the "Simplicity as a Service" tag line and your entire approach to providing service as tickets.
It really says "Problem solvers" :)
Best of luck,
cosmin Cimpoi: glad you like the new site. But credit where credit is due, we were thinking about offering a problem-oriented support service in the past, but the final inspiration on how to approach it came from . Those guys deserve all the credit ; )
Like everyone else says, great redesign! Logo is cool
Looks fantastic! The bold blue and brown colourscheme is wonderful contrast for the eyes. I'm also glad to see the { brackets have made a comeback, they were the best part of's first design! I almost died when that bug RickRolled me :P -- I've been waiting for this redesign for awhile now and it is perfect!
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Who needs posts with such a beautiful layout?
Heck, I'll just come here everyday for some eye candy & be on my way.
Kuddos++ guys. Also to Abhay of course