A new adventure
Posted on 16/10/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

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Hey folks,
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm starting a new adventure. From this day on I'm no longer available for client work, and have quit my old gig. All of my time and effort is now going to be divided into pretty much 3 categories: Blogging, Contributing to CakePHP and my new business. The latter will be going into private beta beginning today, and if you're interested in checking it out please send me an email and I'll make sure you get an invite. For the rest of you only a small teaser: The name is PostTask and its about Task & Time management.
So what does this mean? It means that I'll finally get the time to do all the blogging I want, while also finishing up the new CakePHP-based version of this blog. It means that I'll get to do a lot more cool programming for the framework I love, and it means that I need to stop spending all my money on toys like 30" screens if I don't want to be broke and back to client work in a month or two : ).
If you were thinking about hiring me for a project or are in need for a good programmer however, don't hesitate to contact me. I often had the chance to recommend good people that I know in the community to folks who need their expertise, and I'd love to continue doing so.
A new post about using Exceptions in CakePHP is going to follow later on tonight, so stay tuned.
-- Felix
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Good luck Felix. Regarding tonight's post about exceptions remember the idea I gave you.
PS: The email you linked from "contact me" is currently pointing to thinkingphp.com, which may be a typo.
Good luck! Much success! It'll happen!
Hey Felix,
I hope you success on PostTask! I'll be glad to do some testing. Also I'm curious on how your new blogging software is coming along.
Good Luck
Good Luck, Felix! Thanks for your contributions.
Viel gluck! Du sollst Brandon P und mich besuchen!
Well, once you make enough money....
Good luck with it man!
Your posts about Cake are great, so cant wait for more... And good luck with your business.
Ooh, I am envy you (in an amicable way of course)! Good luck!
Good move. Good luck on your startup! I'd love to do a testrun when your ready for it.
Hey mate !!!
Looks like we are the lucky ones: more and more super posts about CakePHP.
Good luck with your new adventure!!
Gustavo Carreno
PS: You will receive a little mail of mine for a return invite on your Task app. I'm quite the freak for Task apps and really ant to have a shot at yours !!
I love seeing things like this - congrats, and good luck.
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Good luck Felix!!