Posted on 13/7/10 by Felix Geisendörfer

Today we are thrilled to announce the commercial availability of
If you have a web (or mobile) application that needs file uploading you should consider integrating transloadit. Transloadit will handle the upload process, resizing of images, encoding of videos, and final storage of your content on Amazon S3 for you.
Our plans start at $19 / month which includes 3.5 GB of usage. This is enough for ~72 video encodings or ~717 image resizes per month.
This project has been almost two years in the making, with over 150 people participating in testing various versions. The version we are shipping now has already executed 55.000 internal jobs, each spawning 2-5 command line scripts on our servers.
We are also one of the first commercial software / infrastructure as a service product built on node.js. After experimenting with various technologies, we found it to be the perfect fit for our uploading and processing requirements.
Another thing we are very proud of is the ~95% of test coverage of the service's code base. We have an extensive suite of unit, integration and system tests that have already proven incredibly reliable for detecting problems, be it in our code, or changes to our stack.
If you are a long time reader of this blog, we would feel incredibly grateful if you would spread the word about our service to your boss, co-workers and geek-friends.
Otherwise we would be very happy to hear as much feedback, ideas and questions as you can come up with!
PS: I also want to use this opportunity to thank my co-founders Tim and Kevin for being the best partners in this business I can imagine. I love you guys.
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Felix, (and Tim, and Kevin), congratulations on all your hard work finally coming together. I know Transloadit will be a huge success.
Congratulations on the launch, product looks brilliant; hopefully will get a chance to use it soon.
Oh, and I think github might have possibly beat you by a day or two for deploying commercial node.js ;) There new nodeload system was launched 3 days ago.
Congratulations on the launch!
Everybody: Thank you so much for your comments & support!
Stuart Loxton: Well, there are other commercial projects such as plurk who have deployed node.js in commercial apps before. But none of those are entirely written in node : )
Congratulations guys, i hope you have a lot success with this project. I'll try to sprite you.
Looks interesting... I'd love some more insight on the infrastructure and technology behind the project (besides S3 and node.js)!
I love your robots and the simplistic design - although I don't fancy the logo much.
My initial reaction is that the pricing is fair, but the $3 pricetag (at least) on the extra gigabytes seem a bit steep to me. Otherwise - brilliant service, and I look forward to you adding more bots (although I don't have any worker ideas at the moment.
Nice work. *thumb up*
Philip: thanks for the feedback! How much $ / GB would seem fair to you? We definitely have some room with our margins right now, but our main concern at this point is becoming a profitable bootstrapped service so we can dedicate as much time to improving the service & supporting our customers as possible.
We'll do more posts on our infrastructure on here soon!
Is there a possibility of pay-as-you-go ? im developing a site which will likely take 6 or so months before volume is at a rate to justify a subscription.
JBland: Yes. I'll contact you at the email you made the comment with so we can arrange a custom setup for you!
nothing special to do. The way other services do is to have an AWS like model for transcoding. A user preloads an account with a dollar amount and the account is debited whenever processing occurs.
Check out
for an example.
If done this way, demo accounts can simply be preloaded with a fixed number of credits. It may be also appropriate to have a demo period.
JBland: We might offer a plan without a monthly base fee in the future.
A credit card will always be required however. Paypal can't be trusted and manual payments are a lot of friction for a service like ours.
Let me know if you have more ideas : ).
Sounds great!
Would you be willing to backend on rackspace's cloud files instead of S3?
I too would be interested in a pay-as-you-go model as our needs are fairly light (sporadic) on the processing/uploading but I'd love to send you business and I'm sure your transcoding scripts/setup are better than mine.
I'd love to read a story of what your infrastructure is and how the pieces fit together sometime, if you felt like sharing.
Alan: We would definitely like to add a /cloudfiles/export robot in the future. I just created a user voice topic for it, so we can track the user interest in it:
The pay-as-you-go plan is not fully decided on yet. The next plan change we're rolling out next week will introduce a free plan that is meant for testing & development. But we'll keep tweaking our offering until it makes the market happy : ).
About our infrastructure, I'll definitely do a post about this on the transloadit blog soon.
Congratulations Felix, Tim and Kevin!! It looks very nice!, and i hope it will be a great succes! Good luck in the future!
Joyce (Kevin's sister)
Alan Blount: We now have a small free plan which may be suitable for you?
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Congratulations and all the best for TransloadIt!