Bug-fix update for SVN/FTP Deployment Task
Posted on 17/2/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

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Hey folks,
this is just a quick update for the CakePHP 1.2 SVN/FTP Deployment task I released a while ago. It fixes a problem that would sometimes cause 'Folder could not be created' errors to show up even so the folder was successfully created via ftp.
The new package can be downloaded here: deploy_task_0.1.1.zip (10,3 KB)
Me and nate are working on some cool new features for CakePHP right now and once that is completed I might be able to use them to rewrite this task into something more stable ; ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Ok, i modified ftp_connection.php, function dirExists and set param $useCache to false.
Now it works. :-)
Great stuff. Thank you Felix!!
I see the ftp deployment allows a different connection function to be invokved..
it is using a very similar pattern as the dbo connection using different driver..
How about a SFTP driver? you know i think most of the people are ditching ftp/telnet all along..
var $sftpConfig = array('host' => 'localhost',
'connect' => 'ssh2_connect',
'login' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'port' => '22',
'timeout' => '60',
'base_path' => '/',
'svn_file' => '/app/webroot/revision.txt');
For details here.
speedmax: I'll keep in in mind when redoing the SVN / FTP stuff all together into more generic components to build a deploy script upon.
Hi Felix.
I wonder how you manage shared directories in your app , for example upload folders that you dont want to mess up, are you using "svn ignore" or are you doing something in deployment stage?
Great piece of code btw, helps speeds things up remarkably!
Kim: I'm not using this deployment method anymore since I got myself a root server for my new task management project. However svn ignore seems like a good idea.
Hi Felix,
as I wrote you some time ago, we used your code to create a visual deployment module. you can check an article (in Spanish) and grab the code here: http://blog.devayd.com/?p=8
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Hi Felix.
There is still the problem with creating folders. What's wrong?
Cheers, Daniel