CakePHP Bleeding Edge - Google Group
Posted on 3/11/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
I was thinking about creating a regular category on my blog for this first. But then I remembered how horribly I am about updating this site sometimes and decided a community effort would be better. What am I talking about? A new google group called CakePHP Bleeding Edge for those of us how keep up with the adventure of running SVN:HEAD. The idea is to share critical /useful changesets, problems and solutions that come our way when we update our applications to the latest cake version. All I would like is for people to follow some simple guidelines so its easier to discuss and use the contents of the list.
Please join and share your knowledge / questions!
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Felix Geisendorfer's Blog: CakePHP Bleeding Edge - Google Group...
Felix Geisendorfer has come up with a way for those CakePHP ......
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Thanks for the initiative - this will definitely help a lot