Final CakeFest Schedule Announced!
Posted on 24/6/09 by Tim Koschützki

Hey folks,
the final schedule for the upcoming CakePHP Conference - our beloved "CakeFest" - is announced! For those of you who don't know about the event yet, here is a little wrapup.
The next and third CakeFest will be held in Berlin, hometown of Debuggable! From July 9-12, people from all over Europe and the rest of the world will travel to Germany in order to celebrate and learn about the best PHP framework there is. Throughout the day you will learn a lot about:
- .. how you can tweek your application to run faster
- .. how to write cleaner code
- .. how to make your code ready for the real world
- .. how you can just become a better CakePHP developer
The evenings are packed with fun events .. dinner with the Core Team, going to bars, chatting about this and that and programming. And more.
You don't want to miss this event! :)
If you have not attended a CakeFest so far, here are some cool memories from the past:
- CakeFest #1 (Orlando)
- CakeFest #2 (Buenos Aires)
- Raleigh Workshop (Day 1, Day 2)
The event consists of two parts:
- July 9-10: CakePHP Workshop - (Lead by the CakePHP core team)
- July 11-12: CakePHP Conference - (Presented by the core team + community)
In order to check out the full schedule with the talks and their speakers, head on over to the official CakeFest site.
Hope to see you all there!
-- Tim Koschützki aka DarkAngelBGE
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