The First CakeFest - A Summary
Posted on 13/2/08 by Tim Koschützki

Hey everybody,
I would like to tell you about the first CakeFest we had from February 6th till February 8th in Orlando / Florida. I attended the conference which was dedicated to CakePHP, of course, together with Felix Geisendoerfer, my fellow from Debuggable Ltd. We arrived there a couple days early so we could meet up with gwoo, phpnut, mariano and some other guys before the actual conference started.
There were a few nice talks as well. Garrett's keynote (gwoo; president of the cake software foundation) was about some of the history of cakephp and how the people involved got to know each other and how they teamed up.
After that it was my turn to introduce the folks to some of CakePHP 1.2's new capabilities with regards to Unit Testing in CakePHP 1.2. I provided a basic intro to unit testing, then the main part about testing in cake 1.2 and then some thoughts/opinions on what to test, when, why, etc. I also included some tips about stuff that has helped me with unit testing cakephp applications so far. Feedback was great!
There were also talks about the new rest interface (by Nate), the powers of the console (great talk by Chris Hartjes), a deployment tool and a talk dedicated to general cakephp tips by Felix. He also did another talk on some of the jquery-together-with-cakephp-magic we are using on PostTask. There were many other talks as well, which will be made available on a dvd.
it will be released very soon and I will also upload my slides here tomorrow. You will also be able to download them from the cake site, so make sure to keep an eye open.
All in all CakeFest was a really great experience. The talks were cool, putting face to everybody was cool and enjoying all the chatter and the evening beers was incredible. I thank the cake team for giving me the opportunity for my presentation and for the great time I had in Orlando!
By the way, there will be more CakeFests - the next one maybe in Europe. Hope to see everybody there. : ]
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[...] the PHP Coding Practices blog, Tim Koschuetzki has posted his wrapup of the very first (of many, I’m sure) CakeFest conferences that wrapped up at the beginning [...]
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[...] PHP Coding Practices - Become an expert PHP Programmer placed an observative post today on The First CakeFest - A SummaryHere’s a quick excerpt [...]