Full content RSS feed
Posted on 27/1/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

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Hey folks,
I've just gone back to full content RSS feed. The reason I initially turned it off was because Feedburner refused to update my feed when the larger postings (especially code) made it bigger then > 100kb 256kb (According to Eric who commented below, it's actually 256kb - I didn't look the number up again before posting this, but my feed must have been larger then it for a while). So for now I've reduced them number of avilable items in the feed from 10 to 7 and hope I'll not run into this issue again.
So if you haven't added my feed to your RSS reader, now is the time to do it ; ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
You can skip to the end and add a comment.
kazhar: Well I know many people prefer to do their daily blog reading in their feed reader instead of visiting the websites themselves (I'm one of them), so I actually encourage this behavior. The only reason why I'd want them to visit my site directly would be the ads, but I plan to remove those soon once I get my next check from Google ($20 left to go).
And the feed that comes directly from this blog in Atom format is still truncated
It's still showing up truncated in Google Reader, or in Firefox when the feed is displayed.
Hey Felix,
Just wanted to touch base and let you know that our feed size limit is 256k. I am not sure why we would have ever cut you off at 100k. Either way, glad to see you're up to full. If you ever want to try using our feed and site ads please let me know. Take care!
Eric Olson
Eric Olson
Publisher Services - FeedBurner
E-mail: erico@feedburner.com
Office: 312.756.0022 x2034
Mobile: 508.335.9221
Skype/AIM: EricJohnOlson
Eric: Thanks for this update, I corrected the number in my post above. I thought I had read 100kb at some point, but I'm pretty sure you know better then me ; ).
R4kk00n: I think I just fixed it. Can you give it a try again?
Brian: I believe FF 2.0 is using the summary element to display fields and therefor it is ok for it to show truncated content. Looking at the source should give you the full feed. In Google Reader however, the full feed should be available. Can you check if it is with my next post?
Thanks, Felix, Atom shows full content now
Hey Felix,
Just a quick note. I use Sage feed reader in firefox and whenever I go to read your feed firefox asks me if I would like to stop a lopping script. May be something at my end, but yours is the only feed that does it so thought I would mention just in case.
Thanks for posting mate, your articles are consistently interesting and have been of great help to me.
Thx for the info Mike. I'll try this out if I find some time, but I couldn't imagine what error there could be one my side that would cause an issue like this.
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So to avoid this constraint, you should egaly limit the characters number in the content from the feed
This will reduce your feed weight and invite the users to visit your website when they're interested with your content instead of only read it from their rss reader.