Going to Prague
Posted on 9/7/06 by Felix Geisendörfer

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I just wanted to leave a little notice here, stating that I'll be in Prague from monday the 10th of july up to friday the 14th. It's just a class trip and nothing big, but it means that there won't be any new posts on this blog in this time, so you don't have to check here daily. In the meantime you can keep refreshing the Cake News site I did a while ago and see what the other bakers are doing.
When I'm back, I'll try to publish some new ideas / code I've been thinking about. Some of it will involve Javascript (with CakePHP), some will be about an UrlAlias Model for prettier url's. So stay tuned ; ).
--Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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For some reason your RSS feed at feedburner is not working. It hasn't picked up an article for a few weeks.
Hope you have/had a good trip!
Hi ben,
yes my trip was pretty good, thanks to you (and dhofstet) ; ).
Regarding the feed burner issue: It seems like feed burner has a restriction so that feeds cannot be larger then 256 kbyte. Mine had 280, so it didn't work any longer. I changed my wordpress settings so that only article summaries will be shown in the feed, I hope this will fix the issue.
Hi Felix,
here is a new blog about cakephp: http://withcake.com . Maybe you could add it to cakenews.
Hi Reen,
yes, I agree that I should propably add this blog to cakenews. It seems like jonathan is publishing some good information there, but I just wanted to wait a little bit to see if he's going to update it regulary. It's just that I only want active blogs to be in there.
I was thinking about adding this blog http://partridge.wordpress.com/ as well, but the author hasn't made any updates in a good while. The same is true for sentinio's blog (http://sentino.wordpress.com/) which I'll maybe remove with the next update. Oh, and it has been a while since Sosa has done his last update too, but I still think he'll do that at some point.
I was also thinking about seperating blog entires from group/trac/timeline, so that user submitted articles get a little higher attention, what do you think?
Expect to see updates to Withcake.com continue through the summer as I'm using it for a large project. Most of my tidbits are coming out of that development. I already have a few more queued up but I didn't want to unleash 'em all at once. :) Plus, I'll be adding some design to the page beyond what little is there now.
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Have a nice time in Prague :)