Transloadit is now Pay as you Go
Posted on 20/9/10 by Felix Geisendörfer

This was a fantastic weekend for Transloadit. Kevin came from Amsterdam to Berlin to join Tim and myself for two days of intense hacking on our startup.
The main user-facing result is our new pricing model.
You can now use transloadit without any fixed costs. In fact, if you sign up right now you even get $5 of free credit to get started.
And there is even more good news. While our previous usage fees were ranging from $5.00 to $3.00, we have now lowered our pricing to range from $4.00 to $1.80.
We hope that those two changes will make Transloadit much more attractive for small projects that like to avoid fixed costs, as well as larger applications that need lower pricing on high usage.
Existing customers are affected by this right away, expect your next bill to be significantly lower.
When we launched Transloadit initially, we were hesitant to commit to pure pay-as-you-go pricing. After all, it leaves a lot of money on the table for small CMS systems that may never exceed $1 of usage / month.
But at the same time, we believe even more strongly in listening to our customers. We talked to many of our users, as well as surveyed close to 100 people about our service. 85% said that a pay-as-you-go would make a big difference in their decision to purchase.
And this is not the end of things. We're still working on many exciting new features that we hope to introduce soon. One of them might even be an industry-first : ).
We are also still hungry for more feedback, so if you'd like to share your thoughts, let us know - we'll listen!