MacBook updates
Posted on 14/10/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

The new MacBooks look nice. But the 17" has not been updated, bummer. I'm also surprised there is no new 30" cinema display. That thing has been out since June 2004 now.
Oh well! I guess that's really good news. I'm not tempted to buy new mac hardware for a while and can invest in a new lens for the camera ; ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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I really dont see what apple are doing, the MacBook has the same graphics card as the pro now.. I dont like the fact there is no matt screen.. Also where is the bloody click button!!!
You're right. They look nice, there are some improvements but I don't think somebody should feel tempted to renew their mac hardware. :)
what is even a bigger mistake is the new macbooks lack a firewire port, a huge mistake for apple and a step in the wrong direction
john: Not really. USB 2.0 is faster than FireWire 400, and FireWire is generally outmoded for common uses. For things like video cameras and the like, those that offer FireWire support will typically also offer USB, making FireWire support (in Macs) largely unnecessary.
...well ... looking for a "mac-netbook" in 2009 :-)
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Well.. I think a 13'' MacBook combined with the 24''-display is a quite decent combo. Who really wants to carry 2.5kg? And who needs 17'' on the road? I'm looking forward to finally becoming a mac-dude ;)