Migration completed
Posted on 23/4/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
this is just a quick announcement that the migration has been completed and less stuff seems to be broken than we expected : )!
So you can go ahead and leave some feedback on the new Design, Navigation and most importantly all the bugs you notice while using the site. We worked incredibly hard, for the past 7 hours we've been coding non stop and did ~70 commits to the SVN repository for this project.
But still there is some work left to do. While all blog posts links should have survived the migration many others pointing to our categories and sub pages have not. We also want to make the syntax highlighting for code prettier (it's supposed to look like our Textmate theme, but Geshi isn't fine grained enough) and finish all the project pages listed on the right side.
One good news however is left: We have re-categorized all our posts (See the "Read more about section to your right") and also marked about ~60% of all posts as deprecated. That means they won't show up in any index or search on our site, and if you find them via Google a big warning will be displayed saying the content is not up to date anymore. This way we hope people will start browsing through our archives and read some of our previous posts while we work on new material over the next couple of days : ).
All right, thanks for all the feedback in advance!
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
You can skip to the end and add a comment.
Good going! Nice to see both of you succeeding.
Hey guys, congrats with the new design!
When you try to klick on on of your name in the contact menu to contact one of you directly it doesn´t work.
Greetings Paul.
Nice work ...
simple design I like it!!
Hey Felix.
Looks pretty good, although I don't like the floating-not-seeing-everything-view on the 'about' page, and what's up with these weird strings in the links @ 'read more about' ?
@Paul: You mean on this page: http://debuggable.com/contact ? Clicking on one of the names will not get you to the specific page of that person? I just tested it and it worked for me. Also the contact forms seem to work.
@Dieter_be: Hrm yeah that is not everybody's taste. We will collect some more feedback and make decisions about the design. Please keep complaints coming. :)
Well these strings are CakePHP uuids. If you are new to them, think of them as model-independent unique IDs.
Wow... I think you made Google Reader cry...
Oh, and I'm getting 2 comment posting boxes, one right after the post, and one down here at the bottom.
Very cool launching, I hope you will continue writing amazing posts, but x 2!
About the design, I think it´s very KISS, and that´s something definitely good. Congrats!
PD: please remove my last post, my enter key has just tricked me :P
Sounds like double fun ...
Anyway, congratulations...waiting for some new fresh posts....
@Kevin: Yeah you get two comment posting forms if there are more than three comments for a post. This is intended to be a convenience feature. Do you like it?
@Martin, Lucian: Yeah, let's rock the house! :]
Wow, this looks great and is highly usable, congratulations!
Ouch..the thing broke down on me. :-/
But now you have two congratulations! ;)
@dr. Hannibal Lecter: Yeah I deleted the duplicate and now going to fix the wrong linking in your comment and add something to forbid dupplicate comments.
Heh, talk about fast reply..
I am curious though, are you going to make your system open-source? 8-)
Honestly, I don't like it. I think it clutters up the page and could cause confusion to the readers, but I would wait and see how others weigh in on it.
Nice work guys. Looking forward to the great things that are sure to come! My only feedback at this time is the use of div id="felix" and div id="tim" in your markup. Isn't that too descriptive? I think div id="big_german" and div id="bigger_german" would have been more appropriate.
dr. Hannibal Lecter asked if the site would be open-source.
This would be a great example of how to use cakephp...
Chauncey: Tim and I are considering it. We are just unsure about the right way of distribution and licensing it. One concern also is security (after all this blog is 90% of our business). I guess we will do a blog post asking for feedback soon ; ).
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Hey, congratulations guys! Now where are my unit tests?!? Hehehe, kidding. ;-)