PHP city needs you
Posted on 19/12/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

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I'm kidding you not, PHP now has its own city in Jamaica. The mayor is Cal Evans and there are already ~100 inhabitants.
So don't wait, there are a lot of opportunities in the PHP industry, Transportation and housing market : ).
Happy Holidays everyone,
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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[...] Check This Out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today. Here’s a quick excerpt: I’m kidding you not, PHP now has its own city in Jamaica. The mayor is Cal Evans and there are already ~100 inhabitants. So don’t wait, there are a lot of opportunities in the PHP industry, Transportation and housing market : ). … [...]
[...] Felix Geisendörfer - PHP City Needs You! [...]
It's cool! I am going to go there ;-)
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