Reusing Views for CRUD
Posted on 9/2/06 by Felix Geisendörfer

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As he did once before, tobius inspired me to write some code again. This time he was trying to make scaffolding more individual, so the first thing I pointed out to him was my blog post about using generateFields for using some of the scaffolding powers. Now one problem remained: He wanted to use the same views over and over again so I had an idea about how to reuse views in a simple and efficient manner.
Here is what I did:
class AppController extends Controller
function render($action=null, $layout=null, $file=null)
if (!isset($action) && in_array($this->action, array('create', 'update', 'read', 'delete')))
parent::render('../crud/'.$this->action, $layout, $file);
parent::render($action, $layout, $file);
This is a sample items controller with basic CRUD functions
class ItemsController extends AppController
var $uses = array(); // This test controller doesn't use db
function create()
// This will use app/views/items/create.thtml
function read()
// This will use app/views/crud/read.thtml
function update()
// This will use app/views/crud/update.thtml
function delete()
// This will use app/views/crud/delete.thtml
I hope it's useful to somebody out there ; ).
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