Spam in the real world
Posted on 19/9/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

I don't receive too much email spam these days. Thank you gmail. But it seems like I'll soon need some sort of filter for my physical mail box as well. Especially annoying: I gave the WWF some money only to now constantly have them harass me for more. Rule 2 at work.
-- Felix Geisendörfer
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Sounds like you need to go paperless. You should check out a mail scanning service, or a paperless PO box. Basically you setup all of your important mail to be sent to one of their addresses. They then open it, scan it, and email you your documents. You can have them automatically deposit checks for you as well. Your original documents are then packaged up and shipped to you at a later time. One of them is
Daniel Watson: There is no such thing as paperless ... I think we'll have flying car before we have truly paperless businesses.
for the germans, there're "Robinson"-Lists where you can tell the marketing-industries that you don't want to get any more letters stc.
Via Wikipedia I've found this link Although, well, I think maybe 20% of all companies use this list.
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Interesting. I didn't realize the World Wrestling Federation was popular in Germany :-)