Spotting performance leaks in your application
Posted on 18/6/06 by Felix Geisendörfer

Today I was implementing a new and critical functionality into SpliceIt! that allows plugins to register global hooks like beforeFilter, afterFilter, etc. in order to make their own changes to the AppController (SpliceItAppController), even when they are not beeing requested. That way you can simply drop in a menu plugin, and your layout will automatically have the variable $menu set, even so the user didn't request any action from the menu plugin itself.
Anyway, when I implemented the first version I noticed a good performance loss right away, which I didn't like very much. So I had to figure out which part of my code was responsible for giving my processor such a hard time ; ). In order to do this I wrote a useful little singleton class that allows you to start, pause and resume multiple timers throughout your app in order to see what parts are eating up what performance.
Usage is very simple, after you've included the class with require/vendor/whatever you can use it like this:
Performance::pauseTimer('Sleep Walking');
Performance::resumeTimer('Sleep Walking');
// Outputs an array like this:
// Array
// (
// [sleep walking] => 1.99932789803 (52.04%)
// [_total] => 3.84202480316 (100%)
// )
Want to play around with it yourself? Here is the code:
var $_timers = array();
var $time_start;
* Returns a singleton instance of the Performance class
* @return unknown
function &getInstance()
static $instance = array();
if (!$instance) {
$instance[0] = &new Performance;
return $instance[0];
* In the constructor we check if we already know the time our Application started (by checking for
* the variable $TIME_START like cakephp set's it. Or we use the current time as our starttime.
* @return Performance
function Performance()
global $TIME_START;
if (!empty($TIME_START))
$this->time_start = $TIME_START;
$this->time_start = $this->getMicrotime();
* Starts a new timer $key. If such a timer has already been started it's going to be reset to 0.
* @param string $key
function startTimer($key)
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$key = strtolower($key);
$_this->_timers[$key] = $_this->getMicrotime();
* Pauses the timer $key. You can resume it using Performance::resumeTimer()
* @param string $key
function pauseTimer($key)
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$key = strtolower($key);
$_this->_timers[$key] = array($_this->getTimer($key));
* Resumes the timer $key if it had been paused before. If not nothing happens, and if such a timer
* doesn't exists it get's created via Performance::startTimer() automatically.
* @param string $key
function resumeTimer($key)
$now = Performance::getMicrotime();
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!$_this->isKeySet($key))
return $_this->startTimer($key);
$timerStart = $_this->_timers[$key];
if (is_array($timerStart))
$_this->_timers[$key] = $now-array_pop($timerStart);
* Removes the timer $key from the list of timers
* @param unknown_type $key
function removeTimer($key)
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$key = strtolower($key);
if (array_key_exists($key, $_this->_timers) === true)
* Get's the current amount of time ellapsed for timer $timer.
* @param string $key
* @return float
function getTimer($key, $now = null)
if (empty($now))
$now = Performance::getMicrotime();
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$key = strtolower($key);
$timerStart = $_this->_timers[$key];
if (is_array($timerStart))
return array_pop($timerStart);
return $now - $timerStart;
* Get's a list of all registered timers and their current amount of ellapsed time.
* @return array
function getTimers()
$now = Performance::getMicrotime();
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$timers = array();
foreach ($_this->_timers as $key => $timer)
$timers[$key] = $_this->getTimer($key, $now);
$timers['_total'] = $now-$_this->time_start;
return $timers;
* Returns the percantage that the timer $key has taken up in time compared
* to the total execution time of the script (see the constructor to make sure
* this works).
* @param string $key
* @param float $now
* @param float $timer
* @return float
function getTimerPercantage($key, $now = null, $timer = null)
if (empty($now))
$now = Performance::getMicrotime();
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
if (empty($timer))
$timer = $_this->getTimer($key, $now);
return $timer.' ('.round((($timer)/($now-$_this->time_start)*100), 2).'%)';
* Get's a list of all timers together with the time percantage they have used up.
* The total may add up to over 100% if some of the timers have been running at the
* same time.
* @return array
function getTimersPercantage()
$now = Performance::getMicrotime();
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$timers = $_this->getTimers();
$percantageTimers = array();
foreach ($timers as $key => $timer)
$percantageTimers[$key] = $_this->getTimerPercantage($key, $now, $timer);
return $percantageTimers;
* Checks if the timer $key exists or not.
* @param unknown_type $key
* @return unknown
function isKeySet($key) {
$_this =& Performance::getInstance();
$key = strtolower($key);
return array_key_exists($key, $_this->_timers);
* A convenience function for debug(Performance::getTimer($key));
* @param string $key
function debugTimer($key)
* A convenience function for debug(Performance::getTimers($key));
* @param string $key
function debugTimers()
* A convenience function for debug(Performance::getTimerPercantage($key));
* @param string $key
function debugTimerPercantage($key)
* A convenience function for debug(Performance::getTimersPercantage($key));
* @param string $key
function debugTimersPercantage()
* Returns the microtime in seconds as a float. I know php5 / cakephp already have this function,
* but I wanted a maximum of reusability for this class.
* @return float
function getMicrotime()
return array_sum(explode(chr(32), microtime()));
The license for it is MIT. Another thing I'd like to point out, is the fact that some of the code was inspired/derived from CakePHP's ClassRegistry class which you can find inside cake/libs/class_registry.php.
If you like the class or find a bug, any feedback is welcome ; ).
--Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
You can skip to the end and add a comment.
BTW, that's an useful class, thanks
Hey RosSoft, thanks for pointing that out, I corrected it in the code above. Oh and I'm glad you find the class useful ; ).
Why not this...?
function Performance()
if (!empty($this->time_start)) {
$this->time_start = $this->getMicrotime();
Since the Performance object is a singleton, the class variable $time_start ought to persist as long as the object.
David Rodger: As I designed this class, $time_start is supposed to contain the time the application has started and not the time the class has first been instanced. Now when the $TIME_START variable isn't available (it is set by cakephp), then I fall back to the earliest time I can be sure of, that the app has already been running (the time the class has been created/accessed for the first time for that matter).
I want it to be like this because if you have only one timer and want to see if the functionality it tracks is reasonably fast, you can't rely on the absolute time the function takes, because you have nothing to compare it to. So for that reason I compare my functions with the total execution time of my app in order to see if they are efficent or not as this will be a reasonable indicator with all hardware.
Hope that clarifies it ; ).
Why not simply use selective profiling of Xdebug?
Because I've never heard of xdebug before and sometimes you can't install extensions on the server you have to work with. That's about it, feel free to use whatever suits your needs best.
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It gives me an error, I think that line 163 should be $_this instead of $this
return $timer.' ('.round((($timer)/($now-$_this->time_start)*100), 2).'%)';