Talks, talks, talks
Posted on 18/2/11 by Felix Geisendörfer

I've been in Atlanta for the past two weeks, and thanks to the kind help of a few folks, I was able to present at 2 meetups, as well as Startup Riot 2011.
First up was a new talk at the Atlanta Ruby Meetup:
The talk was an attempt of taking out all the cool-aid and hype and focusing on node's true strength as well as weaknesses. I think the whole thing was very well-received, but I certainly could have done a little better on the delivery.
Download: nodejs-should-ruby-developers-care.pdf (733 KB)
Next up was the 4th edition of my general introduction talk to node.js:
This version of the talk was updated for the freshly released v0.4, and I've also tweaked some other slides to the point where I'm very happy with it. It seems to do a great job getting people excited about node, as well as highlighting sensible use cases.
Download: nodejs-a-quick-tour-v4.pdf (610 KB)
And last but not least, I had the chance to do a 3 minute pitch for Transloadit at Startup Riot:
Download: transloadit-startupriot.pdf (640 KB)
Doing the actual presentation was quite scary. I have never given a talk this short, you basically don't get any time to warm up and get into things. You got to go out, and give your best right away. Having an audience of ~500 people didn't help either.
However, I think I pulled it of fairly well. My main message was: "Save the time, save the money, save the shrink - use transloadit", and I highlighted some of the cooler aspects of our service such as the realtime encoding. Lots of people came by to our table afterwards to find out more about the service, including a few VCs and angels (we're not looking for investment right now, but seeing their interest feels good regardless : ).
There are a few more talks coming up in the next couple of months, but I also hope to find some more time for actual blogging again. I certainly want to start writing a few articles about testing JavaScript.
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