Thank You!
Posted on 11/2/10 by Felix Geisendörfer

Latest Update: The whole situation has been resolved, please read our apology to the CSF and CakeDC.
We are truly thankful. Since putting up our post last night, people have already donated 2,075.00 EUR. There were almost 30 donators, some of them donating as much 600 EUR, with others who have pledged continuing support over the next months.
We cannot thank everybody enough for this, and all the kind comments. But as a start, here is the list of people who have donated so far, we'll keep it updated. If you want your name to be linked, just email us.
- Garrett Woodworth
- Shawn Stratton
- Phillip Hile
- Aaron Forgue
- Rob Wilkerson
- Clay Loveless
- Gilles Grinfeder
- Jeff Loiselle
- Lars Schenk
- Nathan Abele
- @elventails
- @indiefan
- Yusuke Ando
- @jperras
- Jon Adams
- Jose Diaz-Gonzalez (@savant)
- Dirk Olbertz
- Mark Boas
- Charlie van de Kerkhof
- Lucian Lature
- @leomelzer
- Robert Scherer
- Guillaume Sautereau
- Daniel Hofstetter
- Arne Psczolla
- @pzwiers
Regarding the question: Did we publish this to harm the CakePHP community?
The answer is no, we are sorry if this shines a bad light on the project. We had two motivations to publish this post. For one, we wanted to reach out for help with this bill. However, we also wanted to share our story with the community, giving them the chance to push for improvements of the situation CakePHP is in.
But you don't have to take our word for it. We already have a few new plugins & components lined up for release. This project has a community of great people, and just as they have supported us in this tough moment, we plan to continue supporting them.
Again, thanks to everybody who helped, also those who are not involved with CakePHP at all!
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Jose Diaz-Gonzalez: I updated your name in the list here, pledgie doesn't let me edit it.
Hope we will reach the amount soon.
CakeFest was really great but the time you spent into Open-Project such as CakePHP and others make me feel happy to help you !
Hope everyone will follow us on the donators ' list!
PS : Also Felix you can set my name (Benjamin Blampain) !
Latest Update: The whole situation has been resolved, please read our apology to the CSF.
This post is too old. We do not allow comments here anymore in order to fight spam. If you have real feedback or questions for the post, please contact us.
Happy to see that you are recouping the money to pay Hotel GLS, as the stay there was great and they were very helpful for a very lost american such as myself. Hopefully this all gets sorted out properly and no hamsters are harmed.
It's too bad that pledgie didn't change my name to my actual name and just link my twitter account... :)