Posted on 8/10/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

I do it once a day now. 30 minutes to an hour. It is beautiful.
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Neil Crookes: It sure is. But she is out of metal and probably dirtier than me due to oxidation.
Felix Geisendörfer: Stop trying to make me move to Berlin!
@nate, the link on your name, to http://debuggable.com/nate, goes to a 404
Neil Crookes: hmmm, you're right....
Felix Geisendörfer: your site is broken.
Berlin looks pretty good from where I'm sitting too. Naked chicks watering plants on a daily walk vs sweaty armpits in face on daily London tube.
Aaah, felix, don't do that to me! OK, Paris is nice as well, but if I see these pictures of Berlin I really get homesick.......
Wow, great shots of a very beautiful city.
Yes! Berlin is the best place. You did pass my house I see ;)
primeminister: I was actually just stalking you, why so serious?
After 8 hours of coding I think do some exercise it's the best way to not go nuts...
I'd rather prefer have 1 hour in-line skating (rollerblading) around my city after work. It's quite relaxing way to enjoy our city's beauty!!!
Im already on the plane :P
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Is that a naked chick in the penultimate one? Felix you dirty perv!