[Job] Interested in working on a huge CakePHP project?
Posted on 12/11/07 by Felix Geisendörfer

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Hey folks,
if any of you is interested in working on a really interesting CakePHP project, then listen up. The company I was previously working for is looking for new developers to assist them with the continuing development of what might be the biggest CakePHP application in the wild thus far. Its a very cool project and I enjoyed working with American Registry a lot. Truth is, the only reason I'm not doing it anymore is because I really wanted to devote myself fulltime to my new (ad)venture PostTask.com.
So anyway, if you are interested, check out the description for the job:
American Registry - Think Outside of the Cubicle!
We're looking for HOME BASED Cake Mavens! American Registry has been a leader in the promotions industry since 2000. Our 30,000 customers include some of the best known companies in America. Our web-based application controls all facets of our business from research and marketing to sales, e-commerce, customer service, production and manufacturing. We recently released version 2 of our application which was written from scratch using CakePHP, PHP 5, MySQL 5, CSS-based layout and AJAX. We are one of the largest sites currently in production with CakePHP and have a distributed team of highly qualified, bleeding edge developers. We're looking for team players that are positive and professional and able to work independently in a fast paced, professional environment. This is a long term gig - we're looking for a 6 month commitment of at least 30+ hours per week.
Candidates must have:
- 3+ years experience with PHP/MySQL
- 1+ years of experience with substantial CakePHP projects
- 2+ years of JavaScript, HTML, CSS and AJAX experience
- Experience with Subversion (SVN)
Pay is competitive and commensurate with your experience.
Interested? Send an email to avi@amreg.com with your qualifications, recent projects and references.
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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[...] As posted on Felix Geisendorfer’s blog: [...]
job interested
Hi Felix, I always read your blog. The fun things is that you work with the two things I love a lot - jQuery and cakePHP!
It´s a great oportunity, I´m brazilian and would like to work there for a time but there´s a lot of chances happening in same time that I felt lost!
Great Blog.
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[...] As posted on Felix Geisendorfer’s blog: [...]