Slides for my CakePHP Unit Testing Talk
Posted on 14/2/08 by Tim Koschützki

Hey guys,
here they are. If anyone is not sure about what slides these are... well I gave a talk on CakePHP Unit Testing at the CakeFest Orlando. Please check the previous post for more information.
These are only the Mac slides. I will post a PDF version for our windows users shortly.
You can skip to the end and add a comment.
: )
[...] Slides for my CakePHP Unit Testing Talk | PHP Coding Practices - Become an expert PHP Programmer [...]
[...] además de que en el primer CakeFest realizado entre el 6 y 8 de Febrero de este año en Florida, Tim Koschuetzki dio una charla acerca de esta nueva capacidad y puso a disposición de todos los slides de su [...]
thank you, Tim
Hi Tim, can you post the PDFs please mate?
Oh yeah,
uploading... :) Almost there!
Here you go:
Thanks Tim!
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Thanks for posting these Tim.